Cultural Centers of Lincoln Collaborative planning and discussions.

Staff getting ready for food distribution.

A volunteer hands out turkey for Thanksgiving.

Union Adventist University Nursing program student and faculty providing a foot clinic at GNCC.

Union Adventist University annual Project Impact

Food Bank of Lincoln making a delivery (Mondays/Wednesdays) of perishable food.

Picking up food from the community - Piedmont Park SDA Church.

Picking up food from the community - College View SDA Church

Samples of the World - Annual GNCC signature event.

Staff and volunteers after Thanksgiving food giveaway event.

Support groups like this one hosts various speakers from our community like those from law enforcement, schools,

banking, hospitals, etc. to help our clients get familiar with our community resources.

Clients getting a tour of Duncation Aviation. We work with community partners like Duncan Aviation to provide job

opportunites for clients we serve.

Staff and volunteers getting ready for perishable food distribution.

Good Neighbor Community Center

Cultural Centers of Lincoln Collaborative

planning and discussions.

Staff getting ready for food distribution.

A volunteer hands out turkey for


Union Adventist University Nursing

program student and faculty providing a

foot clinic at GNCC.

Union Adventist University annual Project


Food Bank of Lincoln making a delivery

(Mondays/Wednesdays) of perishable


Picking up food from the community -

Piedmont Park SDA Church.

Picking up food from the community -

College View SDA Church

Samples of the World - Annual GNCC

signature event.

Staff and volunteers after Thanksgiving food

giveaway event.

Support groups like this one hosts various

speakers from our community like those

from law enforcement, schools, banking,

hospitals, etc. to help our clients get familiar

with our community resources.

Clients getting a tour of Duncation Aviation.

We work with community partners like

Duncan Aviation to provide job opportunites

for clients we serve.

Staff and volunteers getting ready for

perishable food distribution.

Good Neighbor Community Center Welcoming Neighbors Supporting Stability