Dragan, Zainab, Dr. Alabi, and Will in 2012.

2012 - Staff: Dragan, Zainab, Sharonda, and Lori at the hello/goodbye reception.

Hello / Goodbye reception - Tom Randa transitioning in as GNCC Executive Director in 2012 following Sheila

Schlisner’s retirement. Long serving Board of Director member, Marvin Almy, follows the proceedings.

Sample text. Select the text tool to start editing. Do cupidatat, pariatur aliqua ut in et sunt elit ex

dolor. Eiusmod dolore dolore fugiat laboris nisi: Veniam, labore consectetur qui fugiat qui ullamco


2012 - Staff and volunteers.

Mary, Khan, Dragan, Henriette, Sharonda, and Lori.

2009 - GNCCs first Samples of the World event to celebrate 35 years of service.

Shovonne and Lisa working the grill.

Maia waiting for ketchup during volunteer cookout in 2010.

Zeri and Mourad Hesso - Volunteers of the month - 2010.

Perishable food distribution - 2010. Hard to believe at one point we were able to have all families getting food

and the food in this room.

Christmas party for staff and volunteers.

Former Office manager’s, Sharonda, family in 2008.

Union Adventist University Project Impact - 2008. Students washing GNCC’s cargo van used to pick up food from

community partners.

Shovonne handing out school supplies to a very happy girl in 2007.

GNCC shopping floor - 2007

2007 - English as a Second Language Class.

2007 - GNCC Computer classes.

Mary Kelly - Our current Program Director helping back in the day as a volunteer.

Union College (2005) Now Union Adventist University Project Impact

Zoo trip for refugee women from Iraq organized by GNCC by Zainab Al-Baaj (4th from the left)

Charlie Henkelmann and Felipe (both in hats) pouring concrete outside GNCC for clients to use this spot to load

donated items into their vehicles.

Volunteers putting quilts together.

Lavonne in the dock - 6/13/1991 “sorting donations”

Volunteer week - 1991

Celebrating friends and neighbors from around the world in 1998.

A community nurse checking blood pressure at GNCC in the 90s.

A client checking out donated items - 1990s.

GNCC Pantry in the 70s and 80s.

Due to the growing demand for services, GNCC expanded its building in the 1990s, adding additional space to

the southwest section. This expansion included a loading dock, enabling commercial trucks to unload

efficiently and streamline operations.

Hulda Roper - First GNCC Executive Director speaking at opening ceremony. She was the first female police officer in


Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - November, 1973

Good Neighbor Community Center

Dragan, Zainab, Dr. Alabi, and Will in 2012.

2012 - Staff: Dragan, Zainab, Sharonda, and

Lori at the hello/goodbye reception.

Hello / Goodbye reception - Tom Randa

transitioning in as GNCC Executive

Director in 2012 following Sheila

Schlisner’s retirement. Long serving

Board of Director member, Marvin Almy,

follows the proceedings.

Sample text. Select the text tool to

start editing. Do cupidatat, pariatur

aliqua ut in et sunt elit ex dolor.

Eiusmod dolore dolore fugiat laboris

nisi: Veniam, labore consectetur qui

fugiat qui ullamco fugiat.

2012 - Staff and volunteers.

Mary, Khan, Dragan, Henriette, Sharonda,

and Lori.

2009 - GNCCs first Samples of the World

event to celebrate 35 years of service.

Shovonne and Lisa working the grill.

Maia waiting for ketchup during

volunteer cookout in 2010.

Zeri and Mourad Hesso - Volunteers of the

month - 2010.

Perishable food distribution - 2010. Hard

to believe at one point we were able to

have all families getting food and the

food in this room.

Christmas party for staff and volunteers.

Former Office manager’s, Sharonda,

family in 2008.

Union Adventist University Project Impact

- 2008. Students washing GNCC’s cargo

van used to pick up food from community


Shovonne handing out school supplies to

a very happy girl in 2007.

GNCC shopping floor - 2007

2007 - English as a Second Language


2007 - GNCC Computer classes.

Mary Kelly - Our current Program Director

helping back in the day as a volunteer.

Union College (2005) Now Union Adventist

University Project Impact

Zoo trip for refugee women from Iraq

organized by GNCC by Zainab Al-Baaj

(4th from the left)

Charlie Henkelmann and Felipe (both in

hats) pouring concrete outside GNCC for

clients to use this spot to load donated

items into their vehicles.

Volunteers putting quilts together.

Lavonne in the dock - 6/13/1991 “sorting


Volunteer week - 1991

Celebrating friends and neighbors from

around the world in 1998.

A community nurse checking blood pressure

at GNCC in the 90s.

A client checking out donated items -


GNCC Pantry in the 70s and 80s.

Due to the growing demand for services,

GNCC expanded its building in the 1990s,

adding additional space to the southwest

section. This expansion included a

loading dock, enabling commercial

trucks to unload efficiently and

streamline operations.

Hulda Roper - First GNCC Executive Director

speaking at opening ceremony. She was the

first female police officer in Lincoln.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - November, 1973

Good Neighbor Community Center Welcoming Neighbors Supporting Stability